Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Three in One Day

I already posted about the Q92 morning trivia contest that I won yesterday (Ronald Reagan apparently instituted national ice cream month or something). Well, that was only the beginning of my lucky day. A few days a week, we generally try to win 5 for the Drive on The Arrow 103.5. It is a very consistent contest and it is easy enough to keep track of the 5 songs (meaning it is easy to look them up online on the playlist). Well, yesterday, I finally got through as Caller 5! After I won (yes, I had no idea what I was even playing for), I found out that I won Neil Diamond concert tickets. I couldn't care less about Neil Diamond, but my mother-in-law is a huge fan and these will make great birthday presents (plus they sell for about $100 each online). The concert is on 7/28/12 and it sounds like 103.5 is just starting to give the tickets away, so if you are interested, be sure to check out the contest on our Current Contests page.

Anyway, that wasn't the end of my good luck (as the title suggests). We were incidentally listening to Mix 107.9 in the car when they started their nightly Utah's Most Wanted. My brother dutifully memorized the songs and called when the 5th song ended. We only had one phone available, but still got through three times (another unpopular contest?) and won Mix-A-Palooza tickets. The tickets only retail for about $20 each, but should be fun for whoever ends up going.

Now the only problem is whether or not I will be able to claim either of these prizes. Technically, my waiting period hasn't ended from last time I won from each of the stations (or their sister stations). I tried to pick up the tickets today, but neither of their stations had the batches of tickets yet. I'll be sure to make another post about the outcome. I guess either way, we will at least learn how strictly the waiting period requirements are enforced.

Dinner and a Show

As I was reviewing some of the links on our Current Contests page a few weeks ago, I decided to enter a random online contest for Classical 89. I eventually plan on entering more online contests (even though you can't really do much to improve your chance of winning each one), but at the time I just entered to win some opera tickets. Well, I got an email the other day saying that I won! I checked out the opera's website and they are pretty pricey tickets too (by my standards). I guess the station and contest were obscure enough or they gave out a bunch of tickets because I'm still surprised I won. The only downside is that the show is in Logan (about a 90 min. drive for me).

However, just yesterday, I tried out the morning trivia contest on Q92 (Cache Valley based) and won a gift card to a restaurant in Logan. So, now if we do decide to go, we'll have dinner and a show provided for. And the best part is that they are from separate contests. Now I just have to figure out if I'm willing to sit through an opera...