Thursday, August 8, 2013


Welcome to the UT Radio Contests Blog!

This post will remain at the top of the post list, so to see new posts, scroll below this post on the Home page.

The purpose of this blog is to provide a centralized location for the latest radio contests to make it easier to participate and win. To help us keep this blog current (which will certainly take a lot of work), please email us tips about other radio contests that you are aware of to  In the likely event that this blog does get neglected, you can still find useful links to station webpages on the Current Contests page as well as always applicable Helpful Tips for winning.

Check out the links across the top of the page for easy navigation. Here is a description of each page:

Home: This will have information about some of the newer contests as well as other posts about our winnings, etc. Feel free to join in the conversation by commenting on any of the posts.

Current Contests: This page contains a list of all the radio stations with descriptions of their current phone contests and links to their online contests. It also contains links to the stations' websites for convenience.

Helpful Tips: This page has a list of tips that can help improve your chances of winning a radio contest. We will update the page from time to time with new tips as we discover them.

Contest Rules: This page will provide useful information about how long you have to wait before winning another prize from a specific radio station. This page will be under construction for a while, so be patient with us (or email us specific questions you might have in the meantime).

About: This will be the generic "about this site" page for those of you who are curious about why we started this page or are just really bored and have nothing better to do.

*As a note, this blog is focused on Utah radio stations available in Salt Lake City. The station frequencies may differ or be unavailable in other parts of Utah.

Good luck!